Monday, January 16, 2012

The Last Migraine

     I got my first migraine when I was in the sixth grade.  I didn't know what it was.  I got a spot in my vision and at that time, when the spot went away, I got a terrible headache.  My mom told me what was happening to me.  She had migraines before me.  Between the time I was 11 until I was in my twenties, I got about one migraine a year.
     The migraines increased in amount and in intensity, in my early twenties.  I started getting them about one a month when I was pregnant with my first three kids.  The pain was worse and not only did I get a spot in my vision and the headache that came after, but in between, I got a numbness in my face and hands, and I also got very confused.  The migraines scared me, so I went to see a doctor.  The doctor basically said that there was nothing she could do.  That was the early 80's.
     By the time I was 30, I was getting a migraine a week.  They cut into my work and made my life miserable.  I did find that caffeine helped a bit, but they would still put me in bed for a whole day.
     August of 1992, my husband, Mark and I, had our own sign business.  We were right in the middle of painting a banner, when I got the telling, spot.  I knew what was going to follow, and of course it did.  I got the numbness the confusion and the very painful, headache.  I asked Mark to, "Please, pray for me!"  I trully believed that the prayer would help me, it had before.  But this time Mark got his mom to pray with us.  Marks mom, Mary, has been a Christian all of her life, I just knew that her prayers would get rid of the pain, that day. 
     The real miracle was that their prayers not only got rid of the pain that day, but I haven't had a migraine for 19 years!  Thank God!

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