Thursday, September 1, 2011


     I love my sister, Carol, She is funny, smart and easy going.  But the thing that has always impressed me the most about her is that she always has something good to say about everyone.  I've know people that always have bad things to say about people too. At one time in my life I found those kinds of people interesting, I used to listen to all the gossip and then find myself joining right in.
     One day it hit me, if these friends, are saying bad things about other friends, to me, what are they saying about me behind my back?  I started to feel uncomfortable every time I was with these people.  I was conscious of my every move, always wondering what was going to be said when I wasn't around.  I really didn't like the way that made me feel.
     And then there was Carol, what I saw in her made me feel good.  I always knew that if she brought up my name when I wasn't around, it would be to say something positive that she saw in me.
     My prayer, today, is that in Christ, those character qualities that so impressed me about my sister, Carol, will also be in me.

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